Maine Cruise 2005

General Log Notes
Welcome to the 2005 Maine Cruise!

This year, the cruise was configured with two distinct sections.  The cruise began on July 23 with what we came to call the "Batchelor's Cruise".  Since Heidi couldn't leave work until a week later, at the beginning of August, Nathan Sanborn on Dasein and I decided to cruise up to Bucks Harbor in tandem, taking a week to get there.  In addition, Britton Cooke on Prudence, #680, had recently launched his boat in Massachusetts after a year of structural work, and, although the boat was far from complete, he planned to sail to Maine for a couple months' cruising.  Eventually, all our schedules coalesced, and the three of us were able to enjoy a fun week of cruising in tandem, beginning in Falmouth (home port for me and Nathan) and continuing to Bucks Harbor and, the next day, the Wooden Boat School in nearby Brooklin.

The "Bachelor's Cruise" was great fun and very relaxing, but we eventually went our separate ways about a week later, once Heidi (and Nathan's wife Heather) arrived.  Britton sailed off solo to unknown sailing pastures, with a couple months worth of free time ahead of him, the lucky devil.

Heidi and I enjoyed nearly three weeks together and maintained a very relaxing pace aboard, with short days, isolated and beautiful harbors, and no schedules.  We arrived back home on August 17.  The cruise, for me, was just what I needed:  highly relaxing and fun.  After too many long weeks struggling to finish up work on the Daysailor project before departing, I just needed the pure relaxation.

To that end, you may notice that the logs are a bit shorter and less detailed than sometimes.  I just didn't have the inclination to write extended logs each day.  However, to make up for this shortcoming I have included lots and lots of photos each day, as necessary to capture the mood, the day's travels, or other things of interest.

Thanks to Nathan Sanborn on Dasein for all the great sailing shots of Glissando!

Some cruise statistics:

Days out:  27
Nautical miles traveled:  288.75
Separate places visited:  17
Moorings paid for:  0
Moorings picked up:  1
Near collisions:  1
Anchors nearly lost on the bottom:  1
"Death Star" sightings (New  York Yacht Club):  1
Provisioning stops:  3 (not including initial provisioning)
Meals out:  1
Places with water warm enough to swim comfortably:  1
Mechanical failures:  0

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Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4

Glissando, Pearson  Triton #381

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