Sailing Log:  6/23/04

It was a beautiful day:  warm and sunny, with WNW winds.  Sailing?  Why yes, don't mind if I do.

offclapboardin1.jpg (59992 bytes)I had planned to arrive at the boat early, but just as I was leaving the house Claude from Metalmast Marine, with whom I have been discussing my new gooseneck, called, so I had to spend some time with that.  Eventually, though, I tore away and headed to the boat, arriving at about 1000 to find perfect conditions.  After stowing my gear, I got right under sail, passing by a very pretty Joel White boat that has just arrived on a mooring nearby.



Nathan on Dasein, #668The winds were great:  about 10-15, with some higher gusts to around 20.  I set off on a reach down towards Portland, which just seemed the natural thing to do.

I keep running into this clown, almost every time I go out.

(After this picture was taken, we had the highest gusts I saw all day:  25 or higher.  It was fun sailing side by side in these conditions.  Nathan forgot his camera, though...man!)

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As if that wasn't enough, I was further distressed to find the bay was extraordinarily crowded.  Why, there was this other boat that I could see in my field of view for a few minutes.  What is this world coming to when a guy has to look at another boat while out sailing in the midweek?

Sheesh.  You just can't have a whole bay to yourself anymore. 

(Obviously, this is in jest.)

offclapboardout1.jpg (36979 bytes)I continued sailing outside Clapboard Island, and decided to head down outside Upper and Lower Basket Ledges, the continue past Cousins Island and sail the narrow passage inside Sturdivant Island, an area notorious (to me, at least)  for its fluky and awful winds no matter the conditions elsewhere.  The wind direction today, however, was going to give as good a chance as any for a decent sail through this area, so I decided to give it a go.

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As I went by Broad Cove, a wide, long, very tidal section of the bay, I waved to my mother's house in the distance (still a couple miles or so distant).

Despite my best efforts, the wind remained ridiculously fluky inside Sturdivant; I was continually headed, and the speed was all over the place.  Still, I made it through unscathed.

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Staying as high as I could to account for the gusty winds and variable direction, I sailed through the anchorage from north to south (east to west?  something in between), so that I could sail into my mooring.  Of course, as I neared the mooring, after battling light winds through the anchorage, I was hit with a strong gust that accelerated Glissando like a 470.  However, I effected a perfectly acceptable mooring pickup under sail with no problems.

I relaxed at the mooring for a couple hours before heading in.

Glissando, Pearson  Triton #381

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